
This is a passion project that aims to make advocacy and resources more accessible for marginalized groups.

I am very new to web development and am teaching myself through various sources on the web, so it might take a while for it to take shape.

Here's what you can expect to see here in the future:

  • A list of advocacy organizations focused on LGBTQ+, disability, and other topics like reproductive rights.
  • Mutual aid resources.
  • Resources for trans and autistic individuals.
  • A list of safe spaces (This includes community centers, pride events, bars, etc.)

I'm hoping to get these all organized in a way where you can find networks in your area.

If any these topics interest you, please check back occasionally!

Site Updates

03/05/2025 - Fixed main site links from opening a new tab. Links to other sites still open a new tab. Added a scroll bar to the Site Updates. Fixed home page link.

03/04/2025 - Updated site appearance, still not quite satisfied with it. Added link to Neocities profile. Added To-Do List page. Yippee!